Michael D. Fortner is an author and historian with a B.A. in journalism and a minor in history. He has written several full-sized books and articles. He has a God-given ability to think outside the box and figure things out.
I spend a lot of time researching and writing books which give new discoveries and insights.
For BIBLE PROPHECY books, see my other website: www.usbibleprophecy.com FREE PDFs are available for ALL of my prophecy books which are currently in print.
Buy my currently published books at amazon, order through bookstores, or buy at WHOLESALE prices direct from my printer: LINKS HERE
My newest book is being processed and should be available in late November, The Truth About Angels and Near-Death Experiences:
Chapter 1: Angels, The Early Years
Chapter 2: Angels in The New Testament and Beyond
Chapter 3: The Angel of the LordChapter 4: Historical Opinions About Angels
Chapter 5: Angels in Christian History
Chapter 6: Angels and War
Chapter 7: Angels of the Modern Era
Chapter 8: Angels that Heal or Comfort or Direct
Chapter 9: Angels in Dreams and Visions
Chapter 10: Angels at Death and After
Chapter 11: Near Death Experiences
Here are some samples of videos. I have a lot more on my Youtube channel.
Here is an interpretation I did of the recent dream of Chis Reed of the “rebirth” of America. I recommend watching his dream first, a link to which is in the description of my video:
Be sure to watch until you find out what this object is, too many do not watch very far.