Last Great – Chapter Three

Pentecostal Newspapers

In this chapter I have selected a few articles and testimonies from the early Pentecostal newspapers that are representative of those found in the full length book, Pentecostal Newspapers: Messengers of an Outpouring. You will notice that the signs and wonders and manifestations they had were not barking, roaring, chicken clucking, or tongue flicking. It also shows their great faith and the mighty miracles that took place among them.

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Vision and Healing:

Sidney, La, Jan. 3, 1913. For almost a year and a half God had been talking to my soul to get fitted up for His work. On Oct. 25 I went to the house of some Pentecostal people to have them pray for my healing from rheumatism, neuralgia and stomach trouble. I WAS INSTANTLY HEALED.

The power of God came upon me and I was ushered away in a vision from about 7 in the evening until 3 in the morning. I went through the crucifixion with Jesus. I saw the Lord coming in a blue vapor-like cloud. I saw the Devil behind big iron bars. He appeared before me two different times during the vision. I saw the world burning up. Jesus showed me some things. Pray for me. — Oscar Hiatt

NOTE [from the editor of the paper]: You see from what he says it is now about three months since God healed him. He certainly ought to know in that time whether he was really healed or no. — (Word and Witness, Jan., 1913)

God Visiting San Antonio With Mighty Power:

It has pleased our Heavenly Father to grant us a gracious time of refreshing in this city during the past six weeks. Sister Etter has preached the old time Gospel, not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. She has utterly ignored the “Creeds, Theories, and Dogmas of men,” and held high “The Blood Stained Banner of King Emanuel,” pointing to the bleeding victim of Golgotha as THE ONLY HOPE OF THE RACE.

From the first God set His seal on her work, “Confirming the word with signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.” Sinners have been gloriously saved, the sick have been healed, the deaf have received hearing, the lame have been made to walk, and many have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

A Spanish lady, a Catholic, 79 years of age, all crippled up with paralysis, came into the meeting, was saved, healed and filled with the glory of God: her face shining like an angel as she stood on the altar with uplifted hands praising God for saving her soul and healing her body. A man 80 years old, his form all bent with rheumatism for years, a great sinner and Catholic, came [to] the meeting, heard the singing, saw the shining faces, felt the mighty power of God, fell down at the altar under awful conviction, got saved and healed, threw down his stick and ran up and down the isle shouting the praises of God.

Three deaf mutes came into the meeting, came to the altar, were converted, and two of them declared they could hear the saints praising God: And their tongues were loosed to such a degree that they could say, “Glory” and “Praise God” with a loud voice.

Another man came into town, heard about the meeting, came out, heard, saw, and felt the mighty power of God; had faith to be healed, came to the altar dragging a leg that had been stiff for 12 years. Sister Etter prayed for him, commanding him stretch out the lame limb in Jesus’ name, and like the lame man at “the beautiful gate” he instantly obeyed, “leaping up,” hopping and skipping like a school boy. He climbed upon the altar, clapping his hands, shouting “I’m healed.” Leaping down he ran through the isle giving glory to God before all the people.

One aged man, a precious saint of God, living in this city, who for years has been an invalid, suffering from a fall unable to come to the meeting, but was brought in a buggy, was prayed for and God touched him. Now, using his own terms, he “can walk like a man again.”

Many miracles have been performed in Jesus’ name. People have been healed of Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Diabetes, Consumption, Sore Eyes, and Eating Sores. Lame limbs have been made whole, and deaf ears have been opened. One lady, dying from all appearances with heart failure, was snatched from the very jaws of death. Her form was cold and limp, her eyes glassy, and the death damp stood on her brow. She had bidden all goodbye and was sinking fast when Sister Etter reached her. But, glory be to God, when our sister rebuked “the grim monster,” commanding him to loose her grip, and calling to the departing one to come back, she rallied and came forth in the strength of Israel’s God. Now more than a week she has been in the meeting, shouting the praises of God.

Beside the mighty miracles of healing God has shown many other signs of his mighty presence, and the soon coming of the Lord. In many ways the Holy Ghost has signified that we were near the end. Some times during the preaching God’s power would settle down on the saints till some were melted to tears, others saw wonderful visions of his coming glory. Some times “the hand maiden of the Lord” was held like a statue, unable to utter a word. Other times she stood weeping over the people, while the power of God swept over all like the tide of the great ocean.

Around the altar souls saw visions among the “Candle-sticks,” holding the Stars in His right hand. Numbers seemed to hear that voice as the sounding of “great waters” and like John fell at his feet as dead. Oh glory! The unsaved, beholding the shining faces of those lying as dead men in the presence of God, wept and said, “These are strange things.”

Many saw visions of Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Sometimes the Spirit would move like the gentle breeze, fanning every soul with breath of Heaven, then send torrents of weeping over the lost till it seemed to some that the very shades of the dark “tribulation” cloud was casting a shadow all around us. One morning while the Spirit was dealing with the Saints in a marvelous way, suddenly a sister began to speak in a tongue unknown to any one present, but seemed to be calling us forth to battle.

At this same time several in the Spirit were hearing the “tramp, tramp” of a mighty army, and two saw the mighty armies of Heaven riding forth on White Horses. Then the lady who had been speaking in tongues began giving a shout of victory– and victory was felt in many hearts — which was taken up by the saints, while the power and Spirit of God settled down upon us until it seemed the whole place was lighted up with the glory and presence of God.

The Spirit has been revealing in many ways that God is sifting out a people from among all the factions, tribes, and kindreds of earth whom He will send forth in love, clothed with power and might to do exploits and wonders in the name of Jesus, giving to the household of faith their portion in this God’s due season.

Sister Etter left us Feb. 17th, to hold meetings in San Jose, Cal. . . . Fred Lohmann. (Word and Witness, Feb., 1913)

Faulkner, Kansas:

Since the Eureka Springs camp[meeting] we have held meetings at Siloam Springs, Watts, Saylor, South McAlester [OK], and Muskogee [OK]. God blessed in many places. At Muskogee we had a big fight and great victory. Two other meetings were going on in town, but the folks came where the power was falling. Many times the seekers were 3 [levels] deep at the altar. Many got to God.

A doctor, the Red Cross ambulance and 2 policemen with the patrol wagon came one night, but when the doctor saw the man for whom he was called rise shouting and praising God in other tongues he went out and told the rest they were not needed. Praise God. The last day many were baptized in water before a great crowd and that night was the greatest service of all. Now in a great battle at Faulkner. Pray for us. — J. H. James. (WaW, Feb., 1913)

Pellagra Healed:

Nine doctors examined my brother in Oklahoma and pronounced it Pellagra, that dreadful incurable disease. He had had it 6 months and was in a dreadful condition. He knew little about the real power of God, but father, mother, a sister, and myself had the baptisms with the Spirit. So father went after him and brought him home.

Soon he began to look away from man and medicine to God. Then later he came to Quannah where are a few Pentecostal saints. It was Christmas time, and we were in meetings. We prayed for him several times during 3 or 4 days, but did not seem to reach the throne. One night after meeting we got down in earnest for him. The heavens opened and the Spirit fell upon us and the power of God struck him like a thunderbolt. It brought him to his feet dancing and praising God, a thing he had never done. He was set free, and took the next train home to tell his wife and children what the Lord had done for him. He left the boy who came with him to care for him in traveling. Jesus went back with him. I have heard from him every two weeks since, and he is still healed and praising God. — B. L. Richardson, Quannah, Texas. (Word and Witness, March, 1913)

Fairland, Texas:

God is sending mighty, burning conviction on the unsaved. His children are receiving visions of Jesus. Prophecies of great changes coming are being given in such power of the Spirit that we believe they are coming. Signs appear in the heavens — a streak of fire six inches by six feet. Three more balls of fire. Many other wonders. Saints, look up. Our redemption draweth nigh. God will do great things. — Annie Morehead. (Ibid)

Revival Fires Beginning, Searcy, Ark.:

Wife and I came here in November, 1915, with our tent and started a meeting. God wonderfully blessed and saved several. Some eight or nine received the baptism of the Spirit. We went to work and built a tabernacle and just closed a three weeks meeting. Nineteen received the baptism of the Spirit and several were saved. The country was stirred. We have a good little band on fire for God and working in unity and love toward each other. Pray for us that God will have His way and that many more souls may be brought to God. — J. G. Neal, Searcy, Ark. (The Weekly Evangel, May 5, 1916)

San Antonio, Texas:

God is wonderfully working in San Antonio among the colored people, a people who have been neglected by Pentecostal people, but thanks be to God, He in due time is visiting this people in mighty power. A large number saved, and 39 baptized in Holy Ghost.

The sick are being raised from their beds and marvelously healed by the power of God. A man who came in the mission two weeks ago with consumption in it’s last stage, was healed, saved, and baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire. Now he is witnessing everywhere to the power of God. F. C. V. Foard, from Hearne, Texas is conducting the meeting, assisted by Bro. C. E. Overstreet and W. M. Burnside, both of Los Angeles, Cal. There is a great battle on, the people are stirred in this place as never before. . . .– W. M. Burnside. (Word and Wit., May, 1913)

Barnum, Texas:

The fire is falling along the Polk and Tyler county line in the piney woods of Texas. At Caney church 7 have received the baptism and two and one-half miles away at Hampton 10 more received, two preachers in the number, one Methodist and one Baptist. Bro. D. K. Morris and band are at Barnum and fire is falling. A great battle is before us. — W. E. Cleghorn. (WaW, May, 1913)


From the ARIZONA GAZETTE of Saturday, April 19th, I clip the following concerning God’s works in Phoenix, Arizona:

“Among the wonderful evidences of God’s healing powerful are those manifest at the little Pentecostal mission at the corner of Fifth avenue and Washington street where Rev. M. M. Pinson, an evangelist from Nashville, Tenn. Is conducting a real old time gospel meeting and where signs and wonders are in evidence as in apostolic times.

“Among those from Osborn who have come under the miraculous power of God at this meeting is one of the pupils of Osborn school. Allen Homes, age sixteen, son of R. L. Homes, who was a victim of spinal meningitis about five years ago before coming to Arizona, leaving his left arm and his right leg in a badly paralyzed condition, and therefore was two inches shorter than his other arm. After a faithful, earnest prayer was offered in his behalf the boy was instantly healed by divine power, and the crippled arm now measures the same length as other one.

“D. D. Culbert of 1105 East Pierce street, a painter and paper hanger, had a bad fall two years ago which injured his spine in such a way that only by suffering severe pain could he follow his trade. He was treated by a number of physicians, including an osteopath, without relief, but when he came under the healing power of God through the blood of Christ Jesus he was made well and straight, and is anxious that this be investigated so other sufferers may be led to health and strength and eternal life through Christ Jesus.” — Arizona Gazette. (Ibid)

East Ellijay, GA.:

God is working here in a wonderful way. About 50 souls have been saved. A great number healed and quite a few baptized with the Holy Ghost. When we first came here the Methodist church was opened to us, but the Presiding Elder came along and said we must not teach the baptism with the Holy Ghost with the sign of speaking in tongues as on the day of Pentecost. Then the Lord opened up a store building for meeting where God wonderfully poured out His Spirit saving people and healing the sick; also baptizing with the Holy Ghost.

Then the enemy forced us to leave the store building and God gave us a place of worship of our own. This made the devil madder than ever, and he sent us word to leave town at once. People got so stirred they began to read, walk the streets and quarrel, and threaten my life. One person even placed a stick of dynamite in my back yard where it exploded. Praise God, it hurt no one but put the town in a uproar.

A few days later two sticks [of dynamite] were found under our church fixed to blow it up. The fuses burned out and they failed to go off, so no harm was done. The same day a deacon of one of the churches met me on the street and tried to kill me with a stick. While he was beating me and the blood running down to my feet, Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient.” Then when the old deacon saw that he had hurt me he raised up his hands and cried murder, and went and got out a writ of assault under a $100.00 bond for my appearance in court. Well praise God. When the trial came, even my enemies swore that I did not break the law, and I came clear. God gave us the victory. Bless His name.

The second Sunday in May God gave us a wonderful time. We baptized 12 in water. Two of these were Mayor Trammell and his daughter, Miss Pearl. We are expecting a blessed campmeeting . . . (WaW, June, 1913)

Milton, Fla.:

God has wonderfully blessed our evangelistic labors here. He worked with signs and wonders. About 40 have professed Christ as Savior, 19 have been baptized in water and about 33 or 34 have been baptized with the Spirit. More are to follow in the watery burial and symbolic resurrection. Several were healed.

A pillow of fire rested over the tent one night, and another night two large hands waved over it. Both saints and sinners saw the signs. As we shall be here yet some time the brethren may write us at Milton, Fla. — I. N. Jordon. (WaW, Aug., 1913)

God’s Deeds of Mercy and Power in Chicago:

The meetings here are progressing nicely. Among those healed was a woman who had been blind 15 years and had several children whom she had never seen. She was perfectly healed, so she could see as good as ever.

A man who was paralyzed and whose joints were ossified was brought to the church in a chair. He had no use of his muscles at all, could not move his head or any of his limbs. His speech was almost gone and he had to be fed on liquid food with a spoon. When he was prayed for he jumped up and ran out of the church down the steps and a half block down the street. The next day he was back to testify to his healing and to glorify God. This man had been in this sickness 8 years.

A young lady who was totally deaf in one ear, the drum being destroyed, and was almost deaf in the other ear, having also a terrible abscess behind one of her ears, was prayed for. She has been back several times and testified to her complete healing and the restoration of her hearing. She can hear a watch tick when placed to the ear that had the drum destroyed.

Perhaps 50 people were prayed for today, among who was a girl who was totally blind in both eyes. One eyeball was very large and apparently bulged out, and the other one seemed as if the white and colored parts had run together. When she was prayed for and the Lord began to restore her sight, she became “excited” and jumped and screamed until she fell and when she recovered herself and opened her eyes again and could see the light and distinguish the windows she started in again and was almost guilty of disturbing public worship. But such scenes are so common in these meetings that we are not disturbed by them. — F. A. Hale. [at The Stone Church] (WaW, Aug., 1913)

Dallas, Texas:

A week ago we moved our tent to a new location in North Dallas. We enlarged it with an extra piece in the center and yet the first night it would not hold the people. The 30 foot altar was filled with sinners seeking the Lord the first night. Some falling under the power were brightly converted and baptized in the Spirit. It has continued this way every night since. Last night’s meeting was wonderful.

We baptize the new converts every Sunday at Oak Lawn Park, and big crowds gather to witness these services. Nearly all of the converts come out of the water shouting praises to God. 12 is the smallest number we have baptized at one time. Today an unsaved woman came to the meeting for healing, and was saved, healed and baptized in the Spirit, and went home rejoicing. Our Sunday morning meetings at the main tabernacle are most precious. The saints are joyful, and expecting great things from God. — F. F. Bosworth. (WaW, Sept., 1913)


Letters come to us daily telling of blessings received through The Evangel, and our hearts are melted in gratitude to God for the blessing He makes it to those who have not Christian fellowship. . . .

Brother Bosworth writes that on a certain Sunday a woman in Dallas who needed healing was reading the article in the June Evangel on “Discerning the Lord’s Body,” and the power of God fell upon her and she was healed and blessed in her spirit. That night Jesus and an angel appeared to her and Jesus talked to her. (The Latter Rain Evangel, Aug., 1914)

Boswell, Oklahoma:

God has been working in these parts again. Just about to close another big meeting. People are wonderfully interested, coming from 8 to 10 miles around. Some have been saved; several received the baptism as in Acts 2:4. Seven or eight hundred present Sunday, which is remarkable for this location.

People have been stirred by some of the things which have been seen. Some saw smoke pouring out of the tent and sent to see who had set it on fire. Upon reaching there they found no fire. One night, as people were returning from meeting, it was dark, but suddenly the heavens were lit up as bright as day. The light went toward the north, and the report that followed it jarred the ground and shook houses. Some began to praise the Lord and others fell down and began to cry and pray for they thought Jesus was coming. Hallelujah! — J. M. Murray. (WaW, Oct., 1914)

A Remarkable Vision and Testimony of Healing:

I thank God for His loving Holy Spirit that dwells with us all the time.

The angel of the Lord showed me the Holy City that John saw coming down from heaven one night when I was praying at my little home. I went into the Holy City in a vision and I saw the seven angels standing before the throne of God with their trumpets ready to sound. God had taken His seat on the throne and I saw, on the trumpet of the first angel written that the end should come in 19__. The angel showed me my crown and it was beautiful. It had 130 stars in it. The Holy City was made of pure gold as clear as crystal. . . . — L. G. Chandler, Colt, Arkansas. (The Weekly Evangel, March 28, 1914)

[No heading, just *** before the notice:]

Other [Gospel] workers visiting in a hospital met a young German who was very ill. The nurse said there was not much chance for his recovery. He had been in the hospital for five months and was now having spasms. Many times they were so severe he would throw himself out of the bed.

The workers were especially burdened for him and the Lord dealt with his soul. He consecrated his life to God and promised Him he would work for Him if He would heal his body.

The Lord answered his prayer and restored him. He afterwards came to the Stone Church and received a wonderful baptism. He had a vision of Jesus standing among the angels with a golden scepter in his hand. Before coming to this country he was a socialist preacher for two years. His parents had cast him off but after he was saved they assured him he would be welcome in their home. (The Latter Rain Evangel, Feb., 1914)


While a young man was driving a nail it flew into his eye-ball, making an incision on the edge of the pupil. He was taken to the hospital and his eye was scraped. At first the doctor thought it would be restored, but in a few days it grew rapidly worse. The physician said the ball of the eye was soft and would have to be taken out; that if allowed to remain in, it would affect the other eye.

The young man had been somewhat unconcerned up to this time, but when he realized it was serious he became quite exercised to the Divine Healing meeting on a Wednesday afternoon and as he was anointed with oil and prayer offered, a number of the workers were specifically burdened for his healing. The power of God came upon him and flooded him. He felt the fire of God penetrate the eye and the pain left. He believed the Lord healed him then.

He was obliged to see the physician the next day who was astonished to find him so much better and told him he would not now need to have the eye removed. His eye is practically healed, and he can now see from it.

He speaks enthusiastically of the great spiritual blessing he received at the Divine Healing meeting. He said the Lord gave him a fresh baptism and flooded his soul with glory. (TLRE, Aug., 1915, page 14)

Signs Following in Milwaukee:

Evangelist Hard W. Mitchell, who spent several weeks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, gives us a few items of interest concerning the revival being conducted there by the Pastor C. B. Fockler, assisted by Brother Bosworth, E. N. Richey and other brethren:—

The Lord placed His seal of approval on the first service by wonderfully healing a man who had been hurt and left crippled by an automobile. An account of his healing was published in the secular press the next morning.

The saints were inspired to believe for a heavenly influence to settle down on the place and for every sinner to be affected by it. It has been as they believed; with very few exceptions, every sinner who came into the meeting has been convicted and converted.

A woman was brought out of her sick bed and carried into the meeting. She had a tumor and had not been able to eat anything for three months except orange juice and a little baby food. The moment hands were laid on her she was healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit. Her first meal after her healing consisted of beefsteak and biscuits. She has been at each meeting since, testifying to what the Lord has done for her.

A little boy who was brought in a wheelchair was instantly healed, and was able to run all over the place. He is walking alright now.

The altar has been filled continually with from fifteen to fifty. Many of these are Lutherans and Roman Catholics and God is saving and baptizing them. Sunday night, July 25, we had a most wonderful meeting. At least seventy-five came to the altar; eleven were struck down by the power of God and held for hours with visions of heaven and hell, and given warnings for the unsaved.

Miss Jessie Wengler, who is an active worker in the revival, sends us the following report:

“Like the olden times when they heard that Jesus was to ‘pass that way,’ they thronged Him, some but to touch the hem of His garment. So night after night in Milwaukee, hungry and thirsty souls press their claims and many have rejoiced at the touch from His hand, many have tasted and found that the Lord is good.

“Sweet assurance was given to some whose hearts had been doubtful. One young lady who had never felt quite sure that her name was written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, while praying was carried away in the Spirit and walked the streets of gold. Jesus led her to the Lamb’s Book, and opened it and handed her a golden pen. He asked her to write her name, which she did in letters of pure gold. Her soul was flooded with glory and her doubts vanished.

“A poor woman in the depths of despondency — her husband blind and a drunkard, she a cripple, paralyzed from the hips down, wasting away with consumption and walking with the aid of crutches, was on her way to the river to drown herself. Hearing the singing at the street-meeting, she stopped. They sang and talked about Jesus and His power to save and heal. Instead of going to the river she came to the meeting at the Hall and plunged into the life-giving current that never runs dry. She found the stream that flows from Calvary sufficient for all her sins and all her diseases, and went away without the aid of her crutches, leaning on the arm of Jesus and filled with that peace that passeth understanding.” (The Latter Rain Evangel, Aug., 1915, page 14-15)

Opp. Alabama; A Heavenly Visitation:

God is still working in this section with signs and wonders. We have just closed a meeting at Opine. God [worked] wonderfully one night during praise service and let down the Heavenly Host to play and sing for us. Many of the saints and many sinners heard the heavenly choir. Lights were seen over and above the tent. Sinners were saved and believers filled with the Spirit and the saints refreshed. Many gainsayers were convinced.

Bro. G. S. McGraw of Georgiana, Ala. was with us. We appreciated his presence and labor. We have found no place to halt or camp in this race but our hearts are open for new truths. We believe God has great things laid up in store for those that obey Him and who wholly follow the Lord. Josh. 14:6-14. Pray for us. — A. B. Robinson and wife. (Word and Wit., Oct., 1915)

His Glorious Power Manifested:

I am praising God for the wonderful outpouring of His Spirit which He gave us at Runge, Texas. Bro. Short, myself and wife held a three weeks meeting and the Lord was with us in power and great glory. Twenty were baptized in water, all having been saved or reclaimed, with the exception of three or four. Eighteen received the baptism in the Holy Spirit as in Acts 2:4, with signs and wonders following.

Some had visions of the heavens opened up. Others saw angels rejoicing about them, while still others had a glimpse of our blessed Savior Himself. I have attended some glorious meetings since I have been out [working] for the Lord, but I must say, I have never seen the spirit of joy manifested so greatly heretofore as I have seen it in this place. Pray for us that God will be with us in our next place. — D. W. Edwards. (The Weekly Evangel, July 1, 1916)


I remember one convention we had in South China when the power of the Spirit was being poured out, and the Lord was slaying the natives on every hand; our hearts felt repaid for every hardship to see natives being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Our Bible woman from Waang Kong was praising the Lord in other tongues, and suddenly she began to sing in the Spirit. We stole closely to her and she was singing in clear English, “The angels are surrounding me,” with a rapt expression on her face. I thought if those who have been opposed to Pentecost could see this native woman who did not know any English, singing in clear, perfect English in the holy hush of the Spirit’s presence, it would have removed all their opposition. (The Latter Rain Evangel, June, 1918, page 22-23)


This morning while at family worship my ten year old daughter was carried off in the Spirit. She was just like dead for about half an hour, and when she came back she said she had seen a beautiful city coming down out of heaven, and a great light back of it, and an angel before it. All glory to God, He is making revelations to His people. — F. A. Woodlawn. (The Pentecostal Evangel, March, 1921, page 5)

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If you are WOF and want to know the truth about historic Christianity, I recommend you purchase a book on basic Christianity, and/or Pentecostal doctrines. For example: Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis; and Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible, by Myer Pearlman.

P.S. Just to be clear, even though there are no quotes included in this book about laughter, the early Pentecostals did occasionally experience Holy Laughter. But if that is all that happens in a service, just a whole bunch of laughter and no salvations, then that is not a genuine revival. It is just a bless-me revival, and does not resemble any of the thousands that took place in the Pentecostal outpouring of 100+ years ago.