The Coming Great Revival

Updated: 1/17/23 Updated again on 10/22/23

There have been prophecies for many decades of another great revival. Many of the current prophets are also prophesying a great coming revival. Because of these prophecies, they are also claiming that now is NOT the end-times, that we are not in, or about to enter, the Great Tribulation. But this stems from their WRONG understanding of Bible prophecy.

Yes, there is coming another great revival, but THINK– why is it coming? It is coming because the world is getting dark, there will be wars, famines, plagues, and the future will continue to be very bleak. THIS IS WHY people will be turning to God. In other words, THE GREAT TRIBULATION will result in a great revival! ! ! !

I believe in the Rapture, which will take place (exact timing is unknown) after the start of WW3 (could be a few months or even 1-2 years). But THIS RAPTURE will NOT remove THE ENTIRE church. I show in my examination of Scripture, that many Christians will miss the Rapture.

Notice that in Rev. 14 “the earth is harvested.” This event is the Day that Christ comes in the sky and every person on earth will be instantly shown whether they are headed for hell or heaven. And they will know the good they have done, and not done. This event will cause many millions to fall on their knees and repent. Billions will instantly become Christians.

Those who repent will need to hope and pray that they survive the period of that follows, which is the Winepress of the Wrath of God.

And even LONG before this event, as the days grow increasingly dark, people will be turning to God. So there will be growing revival even after the first Rapture. SO YOU SEE, there is definitely a GREAT REVIVAL ahead of us; America will NOT be totally destroyed, but the fire of God’s Wrath will burn out the dross. Babylon the Great (which equals the sin and evil that is inside the USA), will be burned out.

But the prophets do not understand this, they think because God is not finished with America, that this is not the end-times. So to them, if USA survives, then the end times are still off in the future– WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!