Do you believe that God can reveal to his people the identity of the future antichrist before he reveals himself?
While Barack Obama was president he did many things that caused people to believe that he could be the antichrist, like making an unauthorized, unapproved deal with Iran to give them 150 billion dollars and allow them to build a nuclear reactor that could lead to nuclear weapons.
He also took many direct actions against Christianity; he even tried to pass a law that churches had to hire gay and lesbian pastors, and if they refused they could be shut down.
Because of his actions while president, so many people were saying that Obama is the antichrist that it became a published news story in mainstream newspapers and news networks, even the L.A. Times and Newsweek.
What’s more, many people claim that God has given them a dream or spoken to them directly that Barack Obama is the antichrist. The purpose of this book is to present to you the evidence that points to Obama being the antichrist of the Bible.
Most of the evidence is made of many small pieces that, by themselves, cannot prove that anyone is the antichrist; since he has not yet made himself known. However, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle when put together forms a picture, those pieces give us a picture of the final antichrist, as there have been many in past centuries. Take a look at this cross: